COBOL source program requirements
One execution of the Program Processor requires as input a single, complete COBOL source program. The program must meet the following requirements:
z/VSE considerations
Note that z/VSE users can copy source code input to the Program Processor from a source statement library by using the =COPY facility. To use this facility, specify the member containing the source code in the following syntax:
►►── =COPY IDMS ─┬──────────────────────┬─ member-name ───────────────────────►◄ ├─ sublibrary-name. ─┬─┘ └─ A. ◄ ─────────────┘
If member-name is not in the A. sublibrary, specify the sublibrary (usually C.) name. Note that if a private source statement library is used to store member-name, the DLBL file type must be specified as DA at run time.
An example of the use of this statement is shown below:
Other input form
The Program Processor accepts one other form of input: the parameter statement. This statement specifies override processing options for executing the Program Processor. The following table is a summary of the options available with this statement. For syntax and rules, see the Parameter Statement later in this chapter.
Note: For z/OS clients, parameters can be specified more conventionally in the execution JCL by using the PARM clause of the EXEC statement.
Runtime Options for the Program Processor
The Program Processor operates with the default options listed in effect unless override options are specified.
Parameter |
Default Option |
Override Option |
SYSREF—The data usage file is to be produced |
NOSYSREF—The data usage file is not to be produced |
NOSOURCE—The COBOL source program is not to be listed |
SOURCE—The COBOL source program is to be listed |
SUMM—The Management Summary Report is to be printed |
NOSUMM—The Management Summary Report is not to be printed |
DMAP—The File and Record Layouts Report is to be printed |
NODMAP—The File and Records Layout Report is not to be printed |
DXREF—The DATA DIVISION Cross-Reference Report is to be printed |
NODXREF—The DATA DIVISION Cross- Reference Report is not to be printed |
DIAG—The Diagnostic Report is to be printed |
NODIAG—The Diagnostic Report is not to be printed |
ANS/ANS68/ |
NOANS—ANS diagnostics are not to be included in the Diagnostic Report |
ANS—All diagnostic messages are to be included in the Diagnostic Report ANS68-Only ANS 1968 diagnostic messages are to be included in the Diagnostic Report ANS74-Only ANS 1974 diagnostic messages are to be included in the Diagnostic Report |
FLO—FLO diagnostic messages are to be included in the Diagnostic Report |
NOFLO—FLO diagnostic messages are not to be included in the Diagnostic Report |
NUM—The line numbers present in the source program are to be used for referencing |
NONUM-Line numbers are to be assigned sequentially to all lines in the source program for referencing |
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