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DATA DIVISION Cross-Reference Report

Lists all program fields

The DATA DIVISION Cross-Reference Report provides an alphabetic listing of each data item included in the program and all references to the item in the PROCEDURE DIVISION of the program. The data item name is listed together with its attributes and the number of each source line that refers to the data name. This report allows comprehensive tracking of the use of data items.

Sample report

 PRANDEM2   DATA DIVISION CROSS REFERENCE                                   DICTIONARY LOADER       dd mmm yy 1425   PAGE   6        LV DATA-NAME             SRC-LN  SIZE  OCC  QUALIFICATION          REF-LN STATEMENT                         REF-LINE-NBRS        03 CUST-ADDRESS          046000  40         (CUSTOMER-FILE)                                                    CUSTOMER        05 CUST-ADDR1            047000  20         (CUSTOMER-FILE)        092000 MOVE CUST-ADDR1 TO RPT-ADDR1      047000 030000                                                    CUSTOMER CUST-ADDRESS        05 CUST-ADDR2            048000  20         (CUSTOMER-FILE)        093000 MOVE CUST-ADDR2 TO RPT-ADDR2      048000 032000                                                    CUSTOMER CUST-ADDRESS        06 CUST-CITY             049000  15         (CUSTOMER-FILE)                                                    CUSTOMER CUST-ADDRESS        03 CUST-CREDIT           051000  3          (CUSTOMER-FILE)                                                    CUSTOMER        88 CUST-CREDIT-EXEC      052000             (CUSTOMER-FILE)        087000 IF NOT CUST-CREDIT-EXEC           052000                                                    CUSTOMER CUST-CREDIT        88 CUST-CREDIT-GOOD      053000             (CUSTOMER-FILE)                                                    CUSTOMER CUST-CREDIT        88 CUST-CREDIT-POOR      054000             (CUSTOMER-FILE)                                                    CUSTOMER CUST-CREDIT        03 CUST-NAME             045000  20         (CUSTOMER-FILE)        091000 MOVE CUST-NAME TO RPT-CUST-NAME   045000 028000                                                    CUSTOMER        03 CUST-NUM              044000  10         (CUSTOMER-FILE)        090000 MOVE CUST-NUM TO RPT-CUST-NO      044000 026000                                                    CUSTOMER        06 CUST-ZIP-CODE         050000  5          (CUSTOMER-FILE)        094000 MOVE CUST-ZIP-CODE TO RPT-ZIP     005000 034000                                                    CUSTOMER CUST-ADDRESS                                                    CUST-ADDR2        01 CUSTOMER              043000  104        FD CUSTOMER-FILE         037000                                    079000 OPEN INPUT CUSTOMER-FILE          037000                                                                           084000 READ CUSTOMER-FILE RECORD         037000                                                                           125000 CLOSE CUSTOMER-FILE               037000        01 DETAIL-REC            024000  133                               081000 MOVE SPACES TO DETAIL-REC         024000                                                                           105000 WRITE DETAIL-REC AFTER            024000 061000                                                                                  POSITIONING POSITION-IND-WS                                                                           106000 MOVE SPACES TO DETAIL-REC         024000        01 PAGE-COUNT-WS         060000 2                                  107000 ADD PAGE-INCREMENT-WS TO          062000 060000                                                                                  PAGE-COUNT-WS                                                                           108000 IF PAGE-COUNT GREATER THAN +58    060000                                                                           118000 MOVE +4 TO PAGE-COUNT-WS          060000        01 PAGE-INCREMENT-WS     062000 1                                  104000 MOVE 1 TO PAGE-INCREMENT-WS       062000                                                                           107000 ADD PAGE-INCREMENT-WS TO          062000 060000                                                                                  PAGE-COUNT-WS

Field descriptions


The level number of the data item. For items for which level number is not applicable, codes provide information about the item:

No level number is provided for definitions of index names used by the INDEXED BY clause.


Name of the data item. DATA NAME can be a file name, record name, or an element name.


The line number of the source line where the data item is defined.


The size of the data item. Parentheses enclose a size reported for a group item.


The number of occurrences of the data item if the definition of the item uses an OCCURS clause.


The name(s) of other data item(s) to which the subject data item is subordinate. The file name is enclosed by parentheses. Highest level qualifiers (for example, files) are listed first, followed by record names. The minimum qualification needed to make the name unique is flagged with an asterisk (*). If there are two identical data names at the same level in the same structure, those data names cannot be uniquely identified; a *$$$ diagnostic will appear in the listing.


A list of statement (including starting source line numbers) that refer to the data item.


The source line number where each data item in the REF-LN STATEMENT entry is defined. REF-LN-NBRS are reported for all data items (including the subject item) in order of occurrence in the statement.