Internally, the DBMS treats the following types of entities as variable in length:
The DBMS fragments a variable-length entity occurrence when it is unable to store the entire entity on a single page. Fragmentation forces the system to perform two or more I/Os to retrieve a single variable-length entity. Fragmentation should be kept to a minimum.
Root and fragment size
In a non-SQL environment, you can specify the following information in the schema:
For SQL compressed entities, the minimum root and fragment are assigned automatically.
If a variable-length root or fragment exceeds 30 percent of the page size, space management problems can occur. To ensure efficient space management, you need to tailor the size of the minimum root and fragment to the optimal page size for the database area.
Page reserve
When a database area contains variable-length entities, and a general increase in the size of the entities is anticipated, you should define a page reserve in the area definition. By specifying a page reserve, you can minimize fragmentation of variable-length entities.
The page reserve is a specified number of bytes per page that can be used only for expansion of variable-length entities or internally-maintained index records. For further information on internally-maintained index records, see "Allocating Space for Indexes" later in this chapter. The space will not be used for storing new entity occurrences. In general, page reserve should always be less than 30 percent of the page size.
The page reserve is specified in the CREATE/ALTER AREA statement of the physical database definition.
Note: A page reserve does not affect the physical structure of the database. You can, therefore, vary the page reserve by using different DMCL modules, each with a different page reserve.
More Information For more information on the physical database definition, see the CA IDMS Database Administration Guide.
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