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Precompiler Options

This chapter contains the syntax for COBOL precompiler options. These options, included as special format entries in the COBOL source code input to the precompiler, are used to:

This section contains the following topics:

Dictionary Ready Override

Comment Generation

List Generation

Log Suppression

Dictionary Ready Override

When the DDLDML area of the data dictionary (that is, the main area of the dictionary accessed by the precompiler) is readied, a number of different options are available. The default mode used is shared update. Shared update mode readies the DDLDML area for both retrieval and update and allows other concurrently executing run units to ready the DDLDML area in shared update or shared retrieval usage mode. An application program can override the default usage mode by specifying either retrieval or protected update usage.

Begin in column 7.

►►─┬─ *RETRIEVAL ────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄

Readies the DDLDML area for retrieval only and allows other concurrently executing run units to open the area in shared retrieval, shared update, protected retrieval, or protected update usage modes.

Note: If the DDLDML area is readied for retrieval only, no program activity statistics can be logged.


Readies the DDLDML area for both retrieval and update and allows other concurrently executing run units to ready the area in retrieval usage mode only. The protected update usage mode prevents concurrent update of the area by run units executing under the same central version.

If used, the dictionary ready override statement must precede all source input statements.

Dictionary Ready Override

Begin in column 7.

►►─┬─ *RETRIEVAL ────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄

Comment Generation

The *SCHEMA-COMMENTS option causes schema-defined data-item comments and IDD-defined record-element comments in the data dictionary to be printed on the precompiler source listing and inserted into the program.

►►─── *SCHEMA-COMMENTS ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄

Code the *SCHEMA-COMMENTS statement after the dictionary ready override statements (if any) and before any DML or COBOL statements: If the *SCHEMA-COMMENTS statement is not included with the input, comment lines are not generated.

List Generation

The source statement listing output by the precompiler can be turned on or off by inserting a list generation option into the source program.

►►─┬─ *DMLIST ─────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄
   └─ *NODMLIST ◄ ─┘

Specifies that the source listing is to be generated for the statements that follow.


Specifies that no source listing is to be generated for the statements that follow.

This is the default.

Generation of the list can be turned on or off any number of times within one source program by inserting appropriate *DMLIST and/or *NODMLIST entries in the code.

Note: A listing of error messages is always produced. The *DMLIST option controls output of the processor source listing.

Log Suppression

The *NO-ACTIVITY-LOG option suppresses the logging of program activity statistics. The precompiler generates and logs the following program activity statistics unless the *NO-ACTIVITY-LOG option is specified:

►►─── *NO-ACTIVITY-LOG ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄

The *NO-ACTIVITY-LOG statement follows the NODENAME/DBNAME and dictionary ready override statements.

Note: Program activity statistics cannot be logged if the DDLDML area is readied for retrieval only.