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Minor DB Status Codes

Minor Code

Database Function Status


Combined with a major code of 00, this code indicates successful completion of the DML operation. Combined with a nonzero major code, this code indicates that the DML operation was not completed successfully due to central version causes, such as time-outs and program checks.


An area has not been readied. When this code is combined with a major code of 16, an IF operation has resulted in a valid false condition.


Either the db-key used with a FIND/OBTAIN DB-KEY statement or the direct db-key suggested for a STORE is not within the page range for the specified record name.


Invalid currency for the named record, set, or area. This can only occur when a run unit is sharing a transaction with other database sessions. The 03 minor status is returned if the run unit tries to retrieve or update a record using a currency that has been invalidated because of changes made by another database session that is sharing the same transaction.


The occurrence count of a variably occurring element has been specified as either less than zero or greater than the maximum number of occurrences defined in the control element.


The specified DML function would have violated a duplicates-not-allowed option for a CALC, sorted, or index set.


No currency has been established for the named record, set, or area.


The end of a set, area, or index has been reached or the set is empty.


The specified record, set, procedure, or LR verb is not in the subschema or the specified record is not a member of the set.


The area has been readied with an incorrect usage mode.


An existing access restriction or subschema usage prohibits execution of the specified DML function. For LRF users, the subschema in use allows access to database records only. Combined with a major code of 00, this code means the program has attempted to access a database record, but the subschema in use allows access to logical records only.


The record cannot be stored in the specified area due to insufficient space.


There is no db-key for the record to be stored. This is a system internal error and should be reported.


A current record of run unit either has not been established or has been nullified by a previous ERASE statement.


The CONNECT statement cannot be executed because the requested record has been defined as a mandatory automatic member of the set.


The DISCONNECT statement cannot be executed because the requested record has been defined as a mandatory member of the set.


The record cannot be connected to a set of which it is already a member.


The transaction manager encountered an error.


The record has not been bound.


The run unit's transaction was forced to back out.


The current record is not the same type as the specified record name.


Not all areas being used have been readied in the correct usage mode.


The record name specified is not currently a member of the set name specified.


The area name specified is either not in the subschema or not an extent area; or the record name specified has not been defined within the area name specified.


No currency has been established for the named set.


No duplicates exist for the named record or the record occurrences cannot be found.


The run unit has attempted to ready an area that has been readied previously.


The run unit has attempted to place a lock on a record that is locked already by another run unit. A deadlock results. Unless the run unit issued either a FIND/OBTAIN KEEP EXCLUSIVE or a KEEP EXCLUSIVE, the run unit is aborted.


An attempt has been made to erase the owner record of a nonempty set.


The retrieval statement format conflicts with the record's location mode.


An attempt to retrieve a CALC/DUPLICATE record was unsuccessful; the value of the CALC field in variable storage is not equal to the value of the CALC control element in the current record of run unit.


At least one set in which the record participates has not been included in the subschema.


The WHERE clause in an OBTAIN NEXT logical-record request is inconsistent with a previous OBTAIN FIRST or OBTAIN NEXT command for the same record. Previously specified criteria, such as reference to a key field, have been changed. A path status of LR-ERROR is returned to the LRC block.


The subschema contains no path that matches the WHERE clause in a logical-record request. A path status of LR-ERROR is returned to the LRC block.


An ON clause included in the path by the DBA specified return of the LR-ERROR path status to the LRC block; an error has occurred while processing the LRF request.


A program check has been recognized during evaluation of a WHERE clause; the program check indicates that either a WHERE clause has specified comparison of a packed decimal field to an unpacked nonnumeric data field, or data in variable storage or a database record does not conform to its description. A path status of LR-ERROR is returned to the LRC block unless the DBA has included an ON clause to override this action in the path.


The WHERE clause in a logical-record request does not supply a key element (sort key, CALC key, or db-key) expected by the path. A path status of LR-ERROR is returned to the LRC block.


During evaluation of a WHERE clause, a program check has been recognized because a subscript value is neither greater than 0 nor less than its maximum allowed value plus 1. A path status of LR-ERROR is returned to the LRC block unless the DBA has included an ON clause to override this action in the path.


A program check has revealed an arithmetic exception (for example: overflow, underflow, significance, divide) during evaluation of a WHERE clause. A path status of LR-ERROR is returned to the LRC block unless the DBA has included an ON clause to override this action in the path.


The subschema definition of an indexed set does not match the indexed set's physical structure in the database.


Either the prefix length of an SR51 record is less than zero or the data length is less than or equal to zero.


An invalid length has been defined for a variable-length record.


An insufficient amount of memory to accommodate the CA IDMS compression/decompression routines is available.


A retrieval-only run unit has detected an inconsistency in an index that should cause an 1143 abend, but optional APAR bit 216 has been turned on.


An attempt was made to rollback updates in a local mode program. Updates made to an area during a local mode program's execution cannot be automatically rolled out. The area must be manually recovered.


A record occurrence type is inconsistent with the set named in the ERROR-SET field in the IDMS communications block. This code usually indicates a broken chain.


No record can be found for an internal db-key. This code usually indicates a broken chain.


A system-generated db-key points to a record occurrence, but no record with that db-key can be found. This code usually indicates a broken chain.


The DBMS cannot interpret the DML function to be performed. When combined with a major code of 00, this code means invalid function parameters have been passed on the call to the DBMS. For LRF users, a WHERE clause includes a keyword that is longer than the 32 characters allowed.


The record cannot be found; the CALC control element has not been defined properly in the subschema.


The database page read was not the page requested.


The area specified is not available in the requested usage mode.


The subschema invoked does not match the subschema object tables.


The CICS interface was not started.


A BIND RUN-UNIT may not have been issued; the CV may be inactive or not accepting new run units; or the connection with the CV may have been broken due to time out or other factors. When combined with a major code of 00, this code means the program has been disconnected from the DBMS.


The database will not ready properly; a JCL error is the probable cause.


The page range or page group for the area being readied or the page requested cannot be found in the DMCL.


There is insufficient memory to dynamically load a subschema or database procedure.


A central version run unit will exceed the MAXERUS value specified at system generation.


The dynamic load of a module has failed. If operating under the central version, a subschema or database procedure module either was not found in the data dictionary or the load (core image) library or, if loaded, will exceed the number of subschema and database procedures provided for at system generation.


A read error has occurred.


A write error has occurred.


The run unit has not been bound or has been bound twice. When combined with a major code of 00, this code means either the program is no longer signed on to the subschema or the variable subschema tables have been overwritten.


An area wait deadlock has occurred.


The run unit has requested more db-key locks than are available to the system.


The target node is either not active or has been disabled.


The converted subschema requires specified database name to be in the DBNAME table.


The subschema must be named in the DBNAME table.


An error has occurred in accessing native VSAM data sets.


The owner and member records for a set to be updated are not in the same page group or do not have the same db-key radix.


The subschema requires a DBNAME to do the bind run unit.


No subschema areas map to DMCL.


A subschema area symbolic was not found in DMCL.


The specified dbname is neither a dbname defined in the DBNAME table, nor a SEGMENT defined in the DMCL.


The specified subschema failed DBTABLE mapping using the specified dbname.

Note: For a complete description of DB runtime status codes, see the chapter "CA IDMS Status Codes" in the Messages and Codes Guide.