Information is passed between CA Culprit and an input module by means of an argument list, which is set up by CA Culprit from system and user-supplied information. The following considerations apply:
The input module arguments, their function, and address pointers are listed in the following table.
Input Module Argument List and Address Pointers
Addresses are passed by the CULL step through Register 1 to all input modules called in a CA Culprit run.
Argument name |
Function/comments |
Displacement from Register 1 |
The address of the CA Culprit input buffer accessed within the input module code. |
0 |
The address of type and DTF codes used internally by CA Culprit. |
4 |
The address of a 1-byte user-supplied open/close switch accessed within the input module code. The following table lists allowable switch values. |
8 |
The address for record and label-type codes for the input file being read. |
12 |
The address for the record size (halfword) of the input file records. |
16 |
The address for the blocksize (halfword) of the input file. |
20 |
The address for the external file name (8-bytes alphanumeric) and logical unit (1-byte hexadecimal) for the input file. |
24 |
The address of an internal CA Culprit key field not accessible by the user. |
28 |
The entry address for the CA Culprit print routine used to print user-defined diagnostic and error message relating to the input buffer. VPRINT cannot be called by a COBOL user module. For Assembler modules, call the VCON print routine address and pass the address of the line of data to be printed. |
32 |
The address of the internal select table used by input module select routines (CULLCBSL, CULSLCT, and CULSINIT). |
36 |
The VCON address for the CULLSEL module used by input module select routines. |
40 |
The address for the DBEXIT module supplied by the input module for the CULL step. VDBEXIT is not accessible by the user. |
44 |
A common area for internal CA Culprit use. COMMONA is not accessible by the user. |
48 |
The address if the filename/ddname and logical unit for an alternate file specified with the INPUT parameter DD2 option. |
52 |
The address of an 8-byte user-specified password, as specified on the INPUT parameter. |
56 |
Input Module Open/close Switch Values
If the open/close switch is not set to one of these values, CA Culprit outputs an error message stating the contents of the switch.
Hexadecimal value |
File status |
Binary value |
X'FF' |
The input file is closed and must be opened by resetting the value to X'00'. |
255 |
X'00' |
The input file is open and can read and deliver records to the CA Culprit input buffer until an end-of-file condition is encountered. Close the file and reset this value to X'FF' when end-of-file is reached. |
0 |
X'0F' |
The STOP action has been encountered in procedure code. The input module closes the input file. Reset this value to X'FF'. |
15 |
X'F0' |
The input module code can use this value to indicate an I/O error. If used and an I/O error is found, reset this value to X'FF'. |
240 |
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