The key field is usually coded as an input field. If key values are to be altered during program execution, move values into a work field and use the work field as the key.
If the generated key must be in a format other than packed decimal, a conversion can be performed by type 7 logic, a user-written module, or a CA-supplied procedure module.
If multiple key fields are used, perform one of the following:
Combine keys into one field on the CALL US22 statement.
Modify CULLUS22 source code to accept additional arguments.
If more than one ISAM file is used during a CA Culprit run, a separate version of CULLUS22 must be available for each file. In this case, assemble and link edit the module multiple times with different names.
When multiple reports in a CA Culprit job use different records from a single ISAM file, invoke CULLUS22 for each report.
When multiple reports in a CA Culprit job use the same record from a single ISAM file, invoke CULLUS22 once and pass a global work field to subsequent reports to indicate that the record was read successfully.