Rpt-nn, coded in columns 2 and 3, specifies a 2-digit number in the range 00 through 99 that identifies the CA Culprit report.
Sss, coded in columns 5 through 7, specifies a 3-digit number indicating the sequence number of the type 7 parameter.
Send-field-qv (ARG1) requires the name of the field to be moved. The end of the previous location, if a call to CULLUS45 has occurred, is retrieved by using '¢¢¢¢'.
Receive-field-qv (ARG2) requires the name of the receiving field. The previous value, if a value change has occurred, can be retrieved by using '¢¢¢¢'.
Send-length-qvn (ARG3) requires a numeric literal or the name of an 8-byte packed decimal work field that specifies the length of the sending field. '¢¢¢¢' can be used to retrieve the previous value if a value change has occurred.
Receive-length-vn (ARG4)is an optional argument that requires a numeric literal or the name of an 8-byte packed decimal work field that specifies the length of the receiving field.
If receive-length-vn is omitted and the internal value is 0, the value of send-length-qvn is used.
Fill-character-q (ARG5) is an optional argument that requires a 1-byte alphanumeric character, enclosed in single quotation marks, as a filler for empty spaces in receiving fields. The default is a blank.