Procedure Modules › Obtaining Hexadecimal Representation (CULLUS31) › How to Use CULLUS31
How to Use CULLUS31
To invoke CULLUS31:
- Define the field to be translated on a REC parameter or a work field parameter.
- Define an alphanumeric work field to receive the translated value.
- Issue a CALL to CULLUS31 from type 7 logic:
RPT-nn7sss CALL US31 (field-name length-vn result-v)
- Rpt-nn, coded in columns 2 and 3, specifies a 2-digit number in the range 00 through 99 that identifies the CA Culprit report.
- Sss, coded in columns 5 through 7, specifies a 3-digit number indicating the sequence number of the type 7 parameter.
- Field-name (ARG1) requires the name of the input or work field passed to CULLUS31 for translation.
- Length-vn (ARG2) requires a numeric literal or the name of an 8-byte packed decimal field whose value specifies the length of the field being translated (field-name).
- Result-v (ARG3) requires the name of the receiving field for the hexadecimal representation of field-name. The length of this field must be twice as long as the field being translated.
This example shows the CA Culprit parameters required to translate the contents of an input field into a hexadecimal representation.
The following code:
REPORT NO. 13 CULLUS31 mm/dd/yy PAGE 1
047I F0F4F7C9
046I F0F4F6C9
035E F0F3F5C5
034I F0F3F4C9
046G F0F4F6C7
033D F0F3F3C4
030A F0F3F0C1
001E F0F0F1C5
045H F0F4F5C8
006I F0F0F6C9
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