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How to Use CULLUS50

To invoke CULLUS50:

  1. Define the binary input field on a REC parameter.
  2. Define a work field to receive the result of the conversion.
  3. Define a work field to hold the number of bits targeted for conversion unless you use a numeric literal.
  4. Issue a CALL to CULLUS50:
    RPT-nn7sss CALL US50 (start-bit-field target-field-name bit-count-vn)


This example shows the CA Culprit parameters required to convert a binary input field to alphanumeric and packed decimal format.

The following code:

REPORT NO. 01 CULLUS50 mm/dd/yy PAGE 1 ALPHA DIGIT 1 DIGIT 12 DIGIT 13 DIGIT 14 0000000100010100 0 1 0 1