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How to Use CULLUS34

To invoke CULLUS34:

  1. Define the input file or work field that contains the packed decimal field to be converted.
  2. Define a dummy area that allocates space for the receiving field.
  3. Issue a CALL to CULLUS34 from type 7 logic:
    RPT-nn7sss CALL US34 (field-name result-v input-length-vn)


This example converts numbers that are stored in packed decimal format to zoned decimals. Receiving fields hold the first five, next three, and last five digits.

The following code:

REPORT NO. 01 CULLUS34 mm/dd/yy PAGE 1 MIDDLE THREE THE NUMBER DIGITS 0000003800000 038 0000003100000 031 0000003300000 033 0000008000000 080 0000003800000 038 0000003750000 037 0000005450000 054