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Import and Export Connectors

Connectors are defined for importing and exporting user and user privileges (entities and the links between them) from endpoint systems into CA GovernanceMinder.

The CA GovernanceMinder Portal enables you to define the following import or export connectors:

Import Connectors
Custom Executable

Allows you to write a script or executable in any language (Perl, C++, C#, Java, and so on) for importing data into the product.

The executable must create three required CSV files: Users.udb, Resources.rdb, Roles.csv. The following CSV files are optional: UserRole.csv, UserRoleFields.csv, UserResource.csv, UserResourceFields.csv, RoleRole.csv, RoleRoleFields.csv, RoleResource.csv, and RoleResourceFields.csv. CA GovernanceMinder imports information from these files.

CA GovernanceMinder Configuration Document (CFG)

Reads a CA GovernanceMinder file that represents a snapshot of privileges and role definitions.

Note: CFG files created on a Windows machine cannot be imported on a Linux machine.

Generic Feed (CSV)

Reads CSV files as input, then creates a CA GovernanceMinder configuration. The CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is the most common import and export format for spreadsheets and databases. CSV files can then be manipulated and extended using simple tools such as Excel, if necessary.

The Generic Feed uses 11 CSV files as input. The following three CSV files are required: Users.udb, Resources.rdb, Roles.csv. The following CSV files are optional: UserRole.csv, UserRoleFields.csv, UserResource.csv, UserResourceFields.csv, RoleRole.csv, RoleRoleFields.csv, RoleResource.csv, and RoleResourceFields.csv. CA GovernanceMinder imports information from these files.

Database Configuration

Allows for importing information from a CA GovernanceMinder configuration (in the database) into the master and model configurations.

CA IdentityMinder

Integrates CA GovernanceMinder with CA IdentityMinder. Use the connector to import CA IdentityMinder data into CA GovernanceMinder.

Note: For more information about the CA IdentityMinder connector, see the CA IdentityMinder Integration Guide.

CA IAM Connector Server

Integrates the product with the CA IAM Connector Server. Use the connector to import data from a single endpoint system into the product.

Pentaho Data Integration (PDI)

Invokes Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) transformations and jobs. This feature allows for complex ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) operations during data import. To use the PDI connector, go to Administration, System Checkup, PDI Checkup and set the PDI Home Directory.

CA ControlMinder (Shared Accounts)

Imports user-account information from CA ControlMinder using the CA ControlMinder reports database credentials.

Note: Only supports a single universe.

CA GovernanceMinder Client Batch (SBT)

Executes batch processing. You may need to specify dynamic parameters for file names that are defined in the SBT files.

Note: Running the CA GovernanceMinder Client Batch (SBT) connector from the Portal is not supported on AIX and Linux. Also, CFG files created on a Windows machine cannot be imported to a Linux machine.

Export Connectors
Custom Executable

Allows you to write a script or executable in any language (Perl, C++, C#, Java, and so on) for exporting data from CA GovernanceMinder.

The executable must create a DIFF file in the CA GovernanceMinder DIFF file format, and the product reads the DIFF file and applies the changes.

Database Configuration

Allows for exporting information from one CA GovernanceMinder model configuration to another configuration in the database.

CA IdentityMinder

Integrates CA GovernanceMinder with CA IdentityMinder. Use the connector to export updated data from the product to CA IdentityMinder.

CA IAM Connector Server

Integrates CA GovernanceMinder with the CA IAM Connector Server. Use the connector to export data to a single endpoint system.

Some user and user privileges must be imported directly into CA GovernanceMinder using the Import option in the CA GovernanceMinder Client Tools. The Import option enables importing from the following endpoints:

Note: For more information, see the Client Tools Guide.

Important! Some connectors exist in both the CA GovernanceMinder Portal and the CA GovernanceMinder Data Management client tool. In these cases, we recommend running the connector located in the CA GovernanceMinder Portal for the following reasons: