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RACI Operations

The RACI model is a tool that is used for identifying roles and responsibilities during an organizational audit, making the audit process easier and smoother. The model describes what should be done and by whom during audits and when corporate changes occur.

RACI is an abbreviation for:

R = Responsible, owner of the problem/project.

A = Accountable, one to whom R is accountable and who must sign off (Approver) on work before it is accepted.

C = Consulted, one whose opinion is sought and who can provide information necessary to help complete the work.

I = Informed, one who must be notified of results (but does not need to be consulted).

One of the main purposes of RACI is to identify entity managers (Approvers). Every model configuration that you want to audit must be run through the RACI generator so that the Approvers are listed correctly.

The RACI utility obtains the data fields that you identified when you defined the Universe as manager fields, and it tags them as the Accountables. The user manager data is extracted from the configuration file user database (*.udb). While any user can be accountable for multiple entities, each entity has only a single person accountable for it.

Note: Run the RACI utility before running a certification, as the system does not yet have users that are identified as entity Accountables, and cannot send Approver tasks to the correct entity managers. If you have not run RACI, you either receive an error message, or all the entities are sent to the certification owner for approval.