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Preserving Columns During Enrichment

During the enrichment process, the original records in both the CA GovernanceMinder Users databases and Resource databases are overwritten with the data from the Supplementary HR files. The order in which data is arranged in the CA GovernanceMinder databases is lost if the order of data arrangement in the supplementary HR files differs from those in CA GovernanceMinder database.

Important! CA GovernanceMinder Users and Resource database headers are location-based and must have the same number of characters to verify correct database structure.

If need be, you can preserve the arrangement and content of any column in the source file by modifying the supplementary HR file before performing the enrichment process. To prevent any column from being overwritten, you must place an empty column in the parallel position in the supplementary HR file.

The following illustration represents the arrangement and content of a CA GovernanceMinder Users Database:

The following illustration represents the arrangement and content of the Supplementary HR File.

Notice the following:

In this scenario when the two files are merged, the Title entry for each record in the CA GovernanceMinder User Database would be overwritten by the OrgName entry from each record in the Supplementary HR File. The Title column is the 3rd column in the CA GovernanceMinder Users Database.

To prevent the Title column from being overwritten, a empty column must be placed in the 3rd position in the Supplementary HR file. This is done by placing an additional comma as a place holder in each record of the supplementary file at the position you want to preserve in the CA GovernanceMinder Users Database.

The following illustrates how the Supplementary HR File in the above scenario is modified to prevent the entries in 3rd column of the CA GovernanceMinder Users Database from being overwritten.

In the figure two commas signifying and empty column now appear in each record between the original 2nd and 3rd columns, UserName and OrgName respectively.

Configuration Management Operations

Configuration management operations are used when you must combine configurations and their underlying databases. Such a need may occur when you want to combine configuration files that were created for different database systems or platforms. The various operations that you can perform include