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Create Partial Configuration

This option creates a new, “partial” configuration from highlighted records of a current configuration. This option is useful when a Role Engineer designates a particular segment of the current configuration for further operations such as verification of those records by other officials of the organization or to handle certain criteria from the current configuration

The Create Partial Configuration operation can only be performed on records listed in Configuration files. As such the option only appears in the Edit menu within the context of Configuration documents.

To create a partial configuration

  1. Place the focus on the configuration document from which the partial configuration is to be extracted.
  2. From within the current configuration select the records to include in the partial configuration.
  3. Click Edit, Create Partial Configuration or right-mouse click in the selection and choose Create Partial Configuration from the menu. A new configuration document is displayed that only contains the previously selected records and all their links.
  4. Save the newly created configuration document under an appropriate name.

    The first window is the current configuration. The second window is a partial configuration: