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Connecting Master and Other Databases

To correlate between users in different databases, definitions are required that describe and “canonize” the user-related information contained in the databases. Those definitions are called UUID-Fields. Specifically, the NAME, GROUP and FUNCTION attributes of the UUID-Fields defined for each database provide a means to correlate the data.

Using these UUID-Field attributes you create a virtual bridge between each User Database and the Master Database. When the UUID tool processes the data in each of the databases, it uses the information in these virtual bridges to identify each person in the organization with the accounts on each system to which they have access.

In practice the virtual bridge is referred to as the Group attribute of the UUID-Field, and the Name and Function attributes define the actions that are performed on each field in the databases to correlate data between the Master Database and the other User Databases. To successfully match organization personnel with their accounts, you must examine each of the User Databases and create as many UUID-Fields as are needed to link each person listed in the Master Database to the accounts that are referenced in the User Databases.