Configuration file names end with the .cfg suffix. The configuration file refers to a user database file and a resource database file. It contains role definitions and links between users, roles, and resources.
Note: Multiple configurations may share the same user and resource database files.
The configuration file contains the following elements:
UsersDB,udb_pathname ResDB,rdb_pathname
Note: udb_pathname is the pathname of the referenced user database file, and rdb_pathname is the pathname of the referenced resource database file.
User, udb_record, PersonID
Note: udb_record is the index value of a record in the user database file. The first user record in the .udb file has an index value of zero. PersonID is the value of the PersonID field in the referenced user record.
Res, rdb_record, ResName1, ResName2, ResName3
Note: rdb_record is the index value of a record in the resource database file. The first user record in the .rdb file has an index value of zero. ResName1, ResName2, ResName3 are the values of the corresponding mandatory fields in the referenced resource record.
Note: roleID is the numerical identifier CA GovernanceMinder assigns to the role, roleName is the unique name of the role, roleDescription is a text description of the role, roleOrganization is the organization associated with the role, and roleOwner is the user that owns the role.
Note: Link_type specifies the type of link. Entity1 and Entity2 specify the linked entities, using the record index of a user or resource entity, or the roleID of a role entity.
The Link_type string can have the following values:
Entities must be listed in order. For example, in a User-Res declaration, the first entity is a user record, and the second entity is a resource record. In a Role-Role link, the first entity is the roleID of the parent role, and the second entity is the roleID of the child role.
Example: Configuration File
Configuration files are typically much larger than this sample. In this example, role 1001 has only one resource, role 1014 has two resources, and role 1015 includes both role 1001 and role 1014 as children.
UsersDB,.\UsersDB.udb ResDB,.\ResDB.rdb CreateDate,03/09/2007 12:27 ModifyDate,03/09/2007 12:27 StatusDate,17/04/2007 15:36 Owner1,Ilan Sharoni Organization1,Company Owner2, Organization2, Operation1, Operation2, Operation3, Status, ParentConfigName,SQL://(local).sdb/ConfigWithRoles.cfg User,0,"45489940" User,1,"47868650" User,2,"52656727" Res,0,"APPLDEV","RACFTEST","RACF22" Res,1,"BRLIMSYS","RACFPROD","RACF22" Res,2,"DEVELOP","RACFPROD","RACF22" Role,1001,"BASIC ROLE","Basic role - for all IT users","Enterprise","82922230","Org Role","","45489940","Approved","09/05/2007 10:36","No Rule","Enterprise","Corporate","" Role,1014,"Title - Product Manager","Characteristic Role (50%)","Title - Product Manager","99883135","Org Role","","45489940","Approved","09/05/2007 10:36","Title=Product Manager;","Title","Corporate","" Role,1015,"Title - Operator","Characteristic Role (50%)","Title - Operator","45489940","Org Role","","45489940","Approved","09/05/2007 10:36","Title=Operator;","Title","Corporate","" User-Res,0,2 User-Res,0,1 User-Role,1,1001 User-Role,2,1014 Role-Res,1001,0 Role-Res,1014,1 Role-Res,1014,2 Role-Role,1015,1014 Role-Role,1015,1001
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