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Configure Hazelcast

This procedure describes how to configure Hazelcast. Hazelcast is an open source clustering and highly scalable Java data distribution operating environment that CA GovernanceMinder uses.

For the CA GovernanceMinder cluster integration, edit the hazelcast.xml file to adjust the Hazelcast lock mechanism. The Hazelcast.xml file is located in the eurekify.war file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the hazelcast.xml file in the following folder:

    Note: Extract the eurekify.ear file before deploying to the cluster.

  2. Open the hazelcast.xml file in an editor and locate the following group element:
    < group>
  3. To match a unique name for your CA GovernanceMinder cluster, edit this element.
  4. Locate the following element:
    <tcp-ip enabled="true">
  5. Add all your cluster member host names to the element as in Step 4.

    For example, the element would read as follows:

    <tcp-ip enabled="true">
  6. Save the changes to the hazelcast.xml file and exit.

    You have configured the hazelcast.xml file to adjust the Hazelcast lock.

Next, you create database users to synchronize Java Messaging Service (JMS) topics.