When you apply a custom process mapping to a workflow, or define it as a system default, the product invokes the custom processes you specify to implement worklow tasks.
Follow these steps:
Determines whether users can specify custom process mappings for individual certifications.
Determines whether users can specify custom campaign process mappings.
The Process Mappings Administration screen appears. The table lists previously defined custom process mappings.
Specifies the category of workflow to which the mapping applies. The mapping only defines processes for tasks in the specified type of workflow.
Defines the specific workflow to which the mapping applies.
The Edit Process Mappings screen appears. A table lists the following information for all possible tasks of the workflow:
Specifies the type of task that is mapped in each row of the table. The values in this column correlate to the value of the Implements parameter in Workpoint processes for the task.
Specifies the Workpoint process that is mapped to the task. CA GovernanceMinder invokes this process to implement the task. The drop-down list displays only Workpoint processes in the CA GovernanceMinder database whose Implements parameter value matches the task type.
By default, the Edit Process Mappings screen displays the default mapping of tasks to standard workflow processes.
The task is mapped to the custom process. Workflows that use this mapping invoke the custom process to implement the task.
Repeat this step to map custom processes for any or all tasks in the workflow.
The process mapping appears in the table. You can apply this mapping to business workflows of the referenced type to implement modified behaviors.
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