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Encrypting Values

You can provide encrypted values for passwords or other sensitive data that you do not want to save as clear text.

Follow these steps:

  1. As an Administrator in the Portal, go to Administration, Workflow Settings, Encryption.
  2. Enter the password or sensitive data in the Clear text field.
  3. Click Encrypt.
  4. Copy the resulting value in the field on the right and use this encrypted value as the value of the parameter.
  5. State which parameters are encrypted by providing the position of encrypted parameters in the ENCRYPTED_PARAMS_INDICES_ZERO_BASED field.

    For example, if you have the following PARAMS value:

    PARAMS = "-param:pass="ASGFASDGSDFG@$#!@"","-param:configurationName=RCM","param:pass2="ASGFASDGSDFG@$#!@""

    The value of ENCRYPTED_PARAMS_INDICES_ZERO_BASED must be as follows:


    The previous line indicates that the first (starting from zero) and the third parameters are encrypted.