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How to Define an Import Connector to CA IdentityMinder

CA GovernanceMinder imports data from CA IdentityMinder by using an import connector. To define the connector, perform the following procedures.

  1. Define the connection parameters to access CA IdentityMinder.
  2. Define the data mappings to define how the connector maps CA IdentityMinder objects to CA GovernanceMinder objects.

Once you define the import connector to CA IdentityMinder and run an initial import, CA GovernanceMinder automatically creates a CA IdentityMinder connection object back to CA GovernanceMinder.

To define an import connector

  1. Login to the CA GovernanceMinder Portal as an administrator.
  2. Go to Administration, Universes.

    A list of universes appears.

  3. Click on the universe you want to import data to.
  4. Select the Connectivity Tab.

    The Connector screen opens.

  5. Be sure that the Import option button is selected and click Add Connector.

    The Connector wizard appears.

  6. Provide values for all mandatory connector settings and mappings.
  7. Click Finish

    The new import connector is defined in CA GovernanceMinder.

  8. (Optional) Click the Owner link next to the new connector and set a user as the owner of the connector. This user is notified by email if the connector fails during an import or export job.
  9. (Optional) Select the new connector and click Validate.

    The connector parameters and configuration are validated.

Note: A matching export connector is automatically defined in CA GovernanceMinder for every import connector you define.