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Define Account Correlation Rules

CA GovernanceMinder imports accounts from endpoints. Use the Correlation tab to define how CA GovernanceMinder matches these accounts to users in the universe. CA GovernanceMinder executes correlation rules automatically when importing account data. In addition, options on this screen let you remove account-user links and manually invoke correlation.

Note: When you import endpoint data using CA IdentityMinder, accounts are already mapped to users. Define account mapping logic for connectors that use the CA IAMS Connector Server or connectors that import data files.

To define account correlation rules

  1. Define correlation rules for each endpoint as follows:

    Define a correlation condition consisting of the following terms:

    You can define several correlation conditions in a single rule. A user-account pair matches the rule only when it satisfies all the conditions.

    The table under Correlation Rules lists active rules.

  2. (Optional) Define sets of string variants. Under Manage Synonyms, do any of the following:
  3. Define correlation thresholds under Correlation Parameters, and specify how CA GovernanceMinder calculates the aggregated score.
  4. Specify correlation reviewers under Correlation Flow Properties.

    When accounts are not immediately correlated to a user (based on the score), they are sent to one or more users for approval. The reviewer then chooses the user to correlate the account to and approves the correlation. The following settings are used for assigning approvers:

    Member List

    Assigns a reviewer based on attributes of the imported account. Imported endpoint accounts are stored as resources, so specify resource attribute mapping when you create this list.

    Default Assignee

    Specifies the default reviewer for all review actions that result from the correlation logic.

  5. (Optional) Export correlation rules or synonyms to xml files. You can edit these files offline or upload them to create correlation rules for other endpoints.

    Note: Saved correlation rules are only applied to new users and new accounts during the next import. To apply the rule to all accounts, start a full correlation.

  6. Click Apply or Save.

    Account correlation rules are defined.

    Note: The accounts that are correlated are imported from endpoint connectors that are of merge type "As Accounts".