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Assign a Resource to a Role

Assign resources to a role to give users of that role access to defined Portal permissions.

To assign resources to a role

  1. In the Eurekify.cfg window in the client tools, select new resources and drag them to a role listed under the Role section of the window.

    The cursor changes into a LINK icon.

  2. Release the cursor.

    The new resources are linked to the role specified in Step 1.

  3. Right-click the role specified in Step 1 and select Show All Linked Entities.

    User and resource entities linked to the role are highlighted.

    Note: To add users to a role, select the user in the User section of the Eurekify.cfg window and drag it to a role listed under the Role section of the window.

  4. Verify that the new resources are linked to the role specified in Step 1.
  5. Save changes to the Eurekify.cfg file.