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Update CA GovernanceMinder Properties

For the CA GovernanceMinder server to communicate with CA User Activity Reporting, update the product system properties.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Portal, go to Administration, Settings, Property Settings.
  2. Set the Property Keys filter for keys containing 'logmanager'.
  3. Click Apply Filter.
  4. Edit the following CA GovernanceMinder system properties:

    Defines the hostname of the target CA User Activity Reporting server.


    Defines the default CA User Activity Reporting database port.

    Default: 17002

    Note: To verify the database port CA User Activity Reporting is listening on, open Administrative Tools in Windows, and select Services, ODBC Server. Click the CA User Activity Reporting server and select the Server Listening Port field.


    Defines the username of the CA User Activity Reporting account that CA GovernanceMinder uses to log in to CA User Activity Reporting. Must be an administrator account in CA User Activity Reporting or an account that has read access to everything.


    Defines the password of the CA User Activity Reporting account that CA GovernanceMinder uses to log in to CA User Activity Reporting.

    Defines the hostname of the target CA User Activity Reporting server.

    Defines the listening port on the target CA User Activity Reporting server portal.

    Default: 5250

    Specifies the CA User Activity Reporting security certificate name that is provided when registering CA GovernanceMinder on the CA User Activity Reporting server.

  5. Return to the Property Settings screen and set the Property Keys filter for keys containing 'accounts'.
  6. Click Apply Filter.
  7. Review the following CA GovernanceMinder properties. Usually these properties are left to their defaults, but they are useful to know about:

    Defines the product attribute that is used to match against CA User Activity Reporting account IDs. If you want to match against another CA GovernanceMinder attribute, such as PMFkey or UUID, specify that attribute in this property.


    Specifies if the automatic implicit matching of accounts occurs between the product and CA User Activity Reporting.

    Default: True