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System, Workflow, and Task Parameters

CA GovernanceMinder exposes three kinds of parameters to Workpoint processes. Typically CA GovernanceMinder populates these parameters with values when it creates a Workpoint job.

Examples: System, Workflow, and Task Parameters

The RoleSuggURole process suggests new roles during a role certification. This process declares the following parameters:


Specifies which entities in a link under review generate reviewers. The value comes from the certification.useApprovers CA GovernanceMinder system property.

This value is not unique to the workflow, but applies to review tasks in all business workflows.


Specifies the member list that is used to assign reviewers for user entities.

This parameter reflects settings made by the user in the certification template wizard, and stored by CA GovernanceMinder in the workflow context. The flow. prefix indicates that it applies to all tasks of this worfklow that review a user entity.


Specifies the user in the link under review.


Specifies the role in the link under review.

These task parameters contain information unique to this task of the workflow. Other Workpoint jobs of the workflow reference other links in the certification.