Nodes in standard CA GovernanceMinder task processes run agent scripts to evaluate parameter values, assign new values to parameters, and invoke task-related operations in CA GovernanceMinder. Most of these scripts are simple JavaScript routines.
Note: Some agent scripts invoke CA GovernanceMinder behaviors that are not controlled by Workpoint processes or system properties.
Many agent scripts set the following node parameter:
Stores the result of logical operations by AreEqual, setResultToJobParameter, and other agent scripts.
Standard task processes often use the following agent scripts:
Compares the value of a parameter to a known string and writes a corresponding value to the result parameter.
Compares the value of two parameters and writes a corresponding value to the result parameter.
Instructs CA GovernanceMinder to terminate a workflow.
Tests the value of the system.modelEvent.producer.fireEvent system property to determine if model change events are aggregated, and writes a corresponding value to the result parameter.
Invokes the CA GovernanceMinder task context specified in the Implements parameter of the process.
Invokes batch processing using the web services API of the CA GovernanceMinder server.
Invokes batch processing using the web services API of the CA GovernanceMinder server.
Maps the value of the autoApproverNode process parameter to a local data field.
Assigns a value to the result parameter.
Determines if the owner of a new role is defined. If no owner is defined, the system default reviewer receives role review and creation actions.
Defines the URL of the web service API exposed by CA GovernanceMinder server.
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