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Oracle Database Worksheet

A database server must already be configured and working with a supported RDBMS. Record the following database information you need during installation against an existing Oracle Database Server:



Your Response

Oracle Server Host

Defines the host name or IP address of the database server computer or cluster.


Select Service Name

Specifies the name that identifies your RDBMS on the system.

Default: ORCL—the default service name for Oracle Database 10g or 11g.


Specify Oracle Server port

Specifies the port used by the RDBMS you specified.

Default: 1521—the default port for Oracle Database.


Important! We recommend that you use the default database names. CA GovernanceMinder database names cannot contain the hyphen (-) character.

RCM Database Schema Name

Defines the name of the schema for imported user, role, and resource information, CA GovernanceMinder portal settings, and other data.

User must have CONNECT and RESOURCE roles.

Default: eurekify_sdb


RCM Database Schema Password

Defines the password of the CA GovernanceMinder schema user.


RCM Ticket Database Schema Name

Defines the name of the schema for business processes data such as review and approval campaigns.

User must have CONNECT and RESOURCE roles.

Default: eurekify_ticketdb


RCM Ticket Database Schema Password

Defines the password of the CA GovernanceMinder ticket schema user.


Workpoint Database Schema Name

Defines the name of the schema for the Workpoint work flows.

User must have CONNECT and RESOURCE roles.

Default: WPDS


Workpoint Database Schema Password

Defines the password of the Workpoint schema user.


Note: We recommend that your database administrator creates the empty schemas for you before you install CA GovernanceMinder. If you do not prepare empty schemas for the CA GovernanceMinder databases, the installation requires the credentials of an Oracle Database user with DBA privileges. The installation program then creates the schemas using the information you provide.

Note: When you install CA GovernanceMinder on an AIX/WebSphere application server, you create these additional databases for CA GovernanceMinder and Workpoint cluster bus queues. See the AIX installation notes in the CA GovernanceMinder support Knowledge Base section.

Oracle DBA username

Defines the name of a DBA user you want to use to create the required CA GovernanceMinder schemas you supplied.

Note: If you prepare the CA GovernanceMinder schemas in advance of running the installation program, you do not need to supply Oracle DBA credentials.

Default: system



Defines the password of a DBA user you want to use to create the required CA GovernanceMinder schemas you supplied.


Note: When you install CA GovernanceMinder on an AIX/WebSphere application server, you can work with either an Oracle 10g Database or an Oracle 11gR2 Database, but the installed driver is for the Oracle Database 10g Database.