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Position the Objects

The Toolset provides the capability to easily position many objects on a window relative to one other object on the window. The first object is like a pivot point. You manually position one object on the window where you want it, and then automatically position the other objects relative to the first object.

Follow these steps:

  1. First, we want to left justify New Golfer: and Existing Golfer: relative to each other. Manually position New Golfer: on the window where you want it by right-clicking it and dragging it to the desired position. With the focus still on New Golfer:, press and hold the Ctrl key and select Existing Golfer:.
  2. From the Menu Bar, select Edit, and then Position…. In the Field Positioning dialog, select the Align Vertically Left checkbox. Then select the Separate Vertically checkbox, enter the Distance value 10, and select the OK push button.
  3. We want to align the push buttons relative to the prompts, but first we want to give the push buttons a more svelte appearance. Select the sign up! push button and resize it making it slightly less tall, but not so much as to impact the lettering. Now we want to position it relative to the New Golfer: literal. Manually position it to where it is the correct distance to the right of New Golfer: This will place it to the right of Existing Golfer: as well.
  4. Select New Golfer: While holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the sign up! push button. From the Menu Bar select Edit, and then select Position…. In the Field Positioning dialog, select the Align Horizontally Top check box, and then select the OK push button.
  5. Now, we want to position the login push button relative to the location and height of the sign up! push button. Select the sign up! push button. With the Ctrl key on your keyboard held down, select the login push button. From the Menu Bar select Edit, and then select Position…. On the Field Positioning panel, select the Equal Height and Equal Width check boxes. Select Align Vertically Left. Then select the Separate Vertically checkbox, enter the Distance value of 10, and select the OK push button.
  6. To align the three bulleted literals, select Enter your most recent scores. Then, using the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the other two literals. From the Menu Bar, select Edit, and then select Position…. Select the Align Vertically Left checkbox and the Separate Vertically checkbox, then enter a distance 4. While they all still have focus, right-click-and-drag them as a group to where you want them.
  7. Finally, right-click-and-drag the With the click of a mouse… literal to a suitable location. Your window/Web page should now look very similar to the example shown earlier.
  8. To close the window designer, from the Toolbar select the Close Window Position the Objects icon.
  9. Save your model.