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Add GUI Statements to Action Diagram

We can now add the action diagram statements to these two events. The only thing we want either of these two actions to do is to open the appropriate secondary dialog.

Follow these steps:

  1. If necessary, move the window design out of the way by click-and-dragging it from the title bar, and from the Toolbar select the Action Diagram Open the ADD GOLFER Action Diagram icon to open the procedure step action diagram. If necessary, scroll up and notice that the two event handlers have been added below the main procedure step logic.
  2. Select EVENT ACTION egolf servic pb sign up click. Then from the Menu Bar, select Edit, then Add GUI Statement, and then select Open…. Select the Dialog EGOLFER REGISTRATION, and then select the OK push button to add the statement.
  3. Select EVENT ACTION egolf servic pb login click. Then from the Menu Bar, select Edit, then Add GUI Statement, and then select Open…. Select the Dialog EGOLFER LOGIN, and then select the OK push button to add the statement.
  4. Close the procedure step action diagram.