With all the Elementary Processes implemented in the Server Procedures, the Client Procedures can concentrate on presentation, workflow, some data validation, and the invocation of the Server Procedures with the appropriate information.
Our Web application is going to have two client procedures:
As with the servers, the number of client procedures is somewhat arbitrary, but it can be argued that having two procedures makes logical sense. The eGolf Services home page will allow new golfers to register to use the system or existing users to login. After registering or logging in, they will then be directed to their very own eGolfer home page. Their own eGolfer home will display their scoring records as well as their current Handicap Index. From their home page, golfers can then add new scoring records, or update or delete existing scoring records. In addition, they can update their personal information or remove themselves entirely from the system.
Each of the previous bulleted items will have its own Web page, so we will be designing nine Web pages. Web pages and Windows clients are designed using the Window Navigation Diagram, just like the servers. Each Web page will be represented in the Navigation Diagram as either a window or a dialog. Each client procedure will have one and only one primary window or primary dialog.
The main difference between a primary window and a primary dialog is that a primary window can be resized and can contain a menu bar, whereas a primary dialog cannot. Since this particular application will not make use of menu bars, we will be using primary dialogs for each of the two procedure steps.
In addition to a primary window or a primary dialog, each client procedure can also contain any number of secondary dialogs. For our Web page design, in addition to the two primary dialogs (one for each client procedure), we will make use of seven secondary dialogs. Looking at the structure of the previous bulleted list, we can see that eGolf Services Home will have two secondary dialogs, and eGolfer Home will have five secondary dialogs. All of the windows or dialogs associated with one client procedure step share that procedure step's action diagram and views.
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