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Manual Methods

Walk Throughs and Customer Reviews are the manual methods:

Walk Throughs

An elementary process has a process action diagram (PAD) associated with it that will eventually contain pseudo-code, documenting specific business rules associated with that business activity. From the pseudo-code, the tool generates source code which will then be compiled into executable code. It is a good structured programming technique to review, or walk through, this pseudo-code with another knowledgeable analyst to identify errors or omissions early in the development lifecycle.

Customer Reviews

The data and activity models should represent actual things that the business is interested in and the tasks that the business accomplishes with the data and activity models. Formal reviews of the model with the user community helps confirm nothing was missed. An analyst should be able to stand up in front of a group of knowledgeable users and adequately explain it to them. If the general reaction is positive, the project is likely on track and can move forward. If the users fail to understand the review, more analysis work is probably required.