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Add Golfer and Scoring Record Entity Types

To add the golfer and scoring record entity types, you must complete these steps:

Follow these steps:

  1. To add the Golfer and Scoring Record entity types, use the Add Entity Type Add Golfer and Scoring Record Entity Types icon on the tool palette and use the crosshair to click on the Golfers subject area.
  2. In the Entity Type (new object) Properties dialog, type Golfer in the Type Name field and select OK.
  3. Do the same to add Scoring Record.

    If you make a mistake, here are some tips to correct it:

  4. Resize the subject area and move the entity types as shown in the following illustration:

    Add Golfer and Scoring Record Entity Types

    To resize the subject area, follow these steps:

    1. Select the subject area
    2. Move the cursor across its boundaries until it turns into a double-sided arrow
    3. Click-and-drag the boundary to the desired size
  5. To add the relationship between Golfer and Scoring Record:
    1. Select the JoinAdd Golfer and Scoring Record Entity Types icon on the tool palette
    2. Select the Golfer entity type
    3. Select the Scoring Record entity type
  6. Complete the Relationship Properties dialog as in this illustration and click OK:

    Relationship Properties

    Note: You must type MAINTAINS and IS_MAINTAINED_BY in the fields.

    These settings create the following relationship between the GOLFER and SCORING RECORD:

If you make a mistake, double-click the relationship to open the Relationship Properties dialog to make changes.

Your diagram should look similar to the following illustration:

Add Golfer and Scoring Record Entity Types