Subject areas are a natural area of interest to a business, centered on a major resource or activity of the business. In simpler terms, a subject area is a collection of closely related entity types (entity types are discussed in Entity Types and Entities).
Let us put our eGolf Services case study aside for a moment and consider another case study we will be using in this tutorial, that of the XYZ Health Clinic. Thinking about a health clinic, what can be a natural area of interest centered on a major resource or activity? In the following partial data model, Patients and Care Providers are likely natural areas of interest to a health clinic. Other subject areas include Appointments, Treatments, and Billings.
In the previous partial data model, we have three subject areas:
The diagramming notation for subject areas is a double red line, or, when the subject area is contracted, a red box with a white bounding line. The naming convention for subject areas is typically a plural noun.
The subject area XYZ Health Clinic is known as the root subject area, since all other subject areas fall within it. The name of the root subject area defaults to the long model name but can be changed if required.
Take a moment to go back and review the interview with the President of eGolf Services and try to identify candidate subject areas. See the next section for suggested answers.
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