CA Gen is a model-based development environment for designing, deploying, and maintaining high-performance, scalable business applications. It enables developers to deliver complex applications that meet rapidly changing requirements. For example, CA Gen allows developers to:
A model is a representation of reality. A model is not the real thing, but it represents the real thing. Models are generally used to test or perfect a final product. In our case, the model is a schematic description of a business system accounting for its known or inferred properties.
Technically, a CA Gen model is a collection of modeling objects, each of which represent different aspects of your business reality. These objects are created and managed using one or more diagrams in the CA Gen Toolset.
It is not that important to distinguish between the objects on a diagram versus the diagram itself. In fact, most people think of the collection of diagrams themselves as the model of their business, with each diagram representing their business from a slightly different viewpoint.
It may be helpful to think of the different diagrams in an CA Gen model as being analogous to a set of blueprints. A set of blueprints consists of several diagrams, each of which detail different aspects of the same building. There could be one diagram that shows the façade, another for the plumbing, and yet another for the electrical work. They all describe the same building, but each shows it from a different perspective.
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