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Flows Between CA Gen Business Systems

The subject of a CA Gen Dialog Flow Diagram is a single business system.

When it is necessary to flow between two business systems both specified using CA Gen, you can add external flows and links in or out of the system currently being designed.

The flow is to or from a specific procedure in the other CA Gen‑generated system. As with any flow between procedures, the destination must be the first step of a procedure.

Suppose in our example Ordering dialog in the illustration Annotated Dialog Flow Diagram that a high value order needs an extension of customer credit, which is supported by a second Credit Control system. Also suppose that very large credit exposure requires an extension of commercial risks insurance, which is supported by a third Insurance Management system. Then part of the Dialog Flow Diagram for Credit Control would show flows between systems as arrows without a source or destination procedure, as in the following illustration, External Dialog Flows.

Dialog Flow Diagram for Credit Control