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Execute a Command Using a Flow

Most online procedure steps rely on the value in the Command special attribute to direct their processing. When a procedure step initiates from a display, the user selects a pushbutton, enters a value in the Command field, or presses a function key to influence procedure step execution. The same kind of value is required when a procedure step is initiated by a dialog flow from another procedure step.

You can specify a command value for each direction of a dialog flow. When the destination procedure step of the flow executes, its underlying Procedure Action Diagram treats the value exactly as if it were entered on a display. You can choose to send a specific command value, the current value of Command, or, in the case of a return from a link, the previous value of Command.

The following list details the current value and previous value implications:

For a transfer, you can specify the command value that triggers the destination procedure step.

For a link, you can specify both the command value that triggers the destination procedure step and the command value that triggers the return to the source procedure step.