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Many-to-Many Relationships

Many-to-many (M:M) relationships should have been resolved in analysis by defining an additional entity type.

Most M:M relationships have some extra information that needs to be kept on an associative entity type, as described in the Associative Entity Type section. Even if you do not find this during the initial implementation of an application, it will often happen later.

Resolving the M:M into an associative entity type results in a more stable model and requires fewer action diagramming changes in additional intersection data is found after the initial version of an application has been implemented. If this has not been done, any remaining M:M relationships are implemented with another table.

The following illustration shows a many-to-many relationship:

Many to Many Relationships

This illustration is a data model fragment showing the following relationships:

The identifier of EMPLOYEE is the attribute Number.

The identifier of SKILL is the attribute Type.

The following illustration is a Data Structure List showing the implementation of the M:M relationship.

Type            Macro Name            Format     Length Optional                                                                     Table             EMPLOYEE                                          Column            NUMBER                Integer      4  Not Null    Column            NAME                   Char        30  Not Null    Column            ADDRESS                Char        78  Not Null    Index (U)         PKEY (Primary)                                    Column            NUMBER                 Integer      4  Not Null                                                                        Table             IS_POSSESSED_BY                                   FK Column         FK_SKILL_TYPE          Char        15  Not Null    FK Column         FK_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER     Integer      4  Null        RI Contrating     <No Name> EMPLOYEE                                RI Constraint     <No Name> SKILL                                   Index (U)         FKEY                                              Column            FK_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER     Integer      4  Not Null    Column            FK_SKILL_TYPE          Char        15  Not Null                                                                        Index (U)         PKEY (Primary                                     Column            FK_SKILL_TYPE          Char        15  Not Null    Column            FK_EMPLOYMENT_NUMBER   Integer      4  Not Null                                                                        Table             SKILL                  Char        15  Not Null    Column            TYPE                   Char        78  Not Null    Column            DESCRIPTION                                       Index (U)         PKEY (Primary)         Char        15  Not Null    Column            TYPE  

Note: A table joins the EMPLOYEE and SKILL tables and its name is IS POSSESSED BY (the name of one of the relationship memberships). The link record contains both the key of the EMPLOYEE table and the key of the skill table. This way, if the database is queried by EMPLOYEE number, it can find all the SKILLS that the EMPLOYEE possesses, and given a SKILLTYPE, it can find all the EMPLOYEES who possess it.