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Data Model Retransformation

The CA Gen Data Model tool automatically ensures that changes in the Data Structure List do not invalidate the properties specified in the data model.

The reverse, however, is not true. To provide you with maximum flexibility, changes to the data model are not immediately reflected in the Data Structure List. You must choose when you want the Data Structure List to be updated.

In nearly all cases, data model changes should be immediately followed by retransformation. Failure to do so could result in application code that does not work.

Important! Transformation, which is the wholesale recreation of the Data Structure List and the Data Store List from the data model, results in the loss of a customization that has been done and should be used with extreme caution. It is advisable to delay customizing the Data Structure List until the data model is accurate and stable.

It may be necessary to change the data model after either list has been modified. For instance, you may need to enhance an existing CA Gen-generated system. If so, a selected part of the data model can be transformed using the retransformation technique.