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Example of a Task Structure

This is an example of a formal task structure, with its sub-tasks. User task-Take order from a customer over the telephone.

Note: The user can be interrupted in this task.

Initiating event-Customer telephones and indicates desire to place an order.




All customers must be registered before an order can be taken, so the user first checks to see if this customer is registered:

If the customer is already registered, user continues with the task.

If the customer is not registered, user must register the customer. (Registering the customer is a different but associated task.)


If the customer's registration details are correct, user completes customer details on the order form.


User asks what products the customer would like to order and in what quantity.

User checks the availability of the products and the current price and confirms the order with the customer.


User repeats sub-task 3 until the customer is satisfied with the products ordered, the quantity, price, and any limitations on delivery time.


The completed order form is finally confirmed with the customer before it is formally recorded and sent off.

The customer's record is amended to reflect the new order, and the product stock levels are adjusted accordingly.

Copies of the order are sent to the appropriate departments.