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Identify User Tasks

A user task is an identifiable activity, either manual or computerized, that is carried out by the user to achieve a particular result (goal).

The task is typically triggered by an event and may consist of several sub-tasks. It is essential for the user to be able to tell when the task has been completed so the goal should be measurable.

Understanding how data is manipulated enables you to list the user tasks. At this stage, a simple list is sufficient. You can add detail later.

The identified data and actions may be a useful starting point, so are the business processes and the events that initiate them. However, these should be checked carefully with the user.

It may be useful to observe the user carrying out a task and to record observations for later discussion with the user. For example, a user may often need to switch to a higher priority task before returning to the original task. You need to ensure that the user can easily resume the original task.