In an online environment, the primary visual layouts are screens; in a batch environment, they are reports. Many of the comments about export views apply to reports as well.
Screens, dialogs, and procedure logic are best designed in parallel. You can then refine the screens and dialogs. Prototyping is an effective technique for refining screens and dialogs. When the initial design is stable, detailed procedure logic can be completed, and the screens and dialog flows can be finalized.
Together, the screen designs, dialog, and procedure logic yield fully detailed displays, a completed dialog flow diagram, and action diagrams that are the basis for generating a completed system.
CA Gen Design Toolset provides a screen design tool that uses definitions of views as a source of the data to be laid out. These views depend in turn on a well-defined data model.
If you wish to prototype dialogs as an aid to developing data and view definitions, you may decide to begin with paper prototypes, or screens produced using word processing or graphic tools. You could also develop the screens in CA Gen using areas of literals to simulate the layout of data.
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