Use this call to display the graphical viewer for a specific query. The viewer is a fully functional CA Enterprise Log Manager query viewer delivered as a standalone component. You can embed specific queries in an outside application interface or external portal, by embedding the URL in an iFrame.
Note: The solution provided here works with web-based applications such as JSPs, JavaScript, and HTML. The solution might not work in C++ or Java Swing applications depending on the availability and support for an embedded HTML page and the necessary FLASH plug-in support of the applications. For applications where FLASH cannot be supported, we recommend that you use runQuery to retrieve the raw data and then render it using a method appropriate to your environment.
getQueryViewer Example
Displays the System Event Count by Event Action query.
"getObject.csp?type=getQueryViewer" specifies the type of getObject call, in this case the query viewer.
"&objectId=Subscription/panels/System_Event_Count_By_Event_Action" identifies the specific query, in this case the Subscription query named System Event Count by Event Action. Any query name can be specified by entering the title as it appears in the interface, separated by underscores.
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