Prompts are specialized queries that allow you to enter certain filter values before running the query. You can use getQueryList to view the available prompt queries. The "Prompt id" element identifies a prompt query, which appears in place of the "Panel id" element that identifies standard queries. You can use the prompt, promptvalue, and col terms to define prompt queries you want to call.
You can access the graphical prompt query without the filter values specified, or prespecify them in the URL. If no columns are provided in the URL, all the prompt columns are selected.
Unfiltered Host Prompt Example
Displays the Host Prompt without any filter value entered, but with all prompt columns selected.
Filtered IP Prompt Example
Runs the IP Prompt, searching the destination address column for the IP address
"&prompt=true" shows the prompt controls, which lets you modify the prompt query values after its run, and run the query again as needed.
"&promptvalue=" specifies the IP address you want.
"&col=dest_address" selects the event column you want.
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