Previous Topic: Install a CA Enterprise Log Manager Server Silently

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Invoke the OVF Tool from a Command Line

Note: You must install the OVF Tool before you perform the silent installation. For more information about the OVF Tool, see the VMware's OVF Tool User Guide or go to

You must pass the configuration parameters as command line arguments to invoke the OVF Tool.

Note: We highly recommend that you use a medium deployment configuration to provision a collection server, and a large deployment configuration to provision a reporting server. We also recommend that you use thick deployment method.

To invoke the OVF Tool from command line

  1. Open the command prompt on the computer where VMware vSphere Client is installed.
  2. Execute the following command to invoke the OVF Tool:
    ovftool -dm=thick --acceptAllEulas --name=value --deploymentOption=value --prop:ROOT_PASSWORD=value --prop:LOCAL_REMOTE_EEM=value --prop:REMOTE_EEM_LOCATION=value --prop:EEM_PASSWORD=value --prop:FIPS_MODE=value --prop:AGENT_AUTHENTICATION_KEY=value --prop:IP_ADDRESS=value --prop:SUBNET_MASK=value --prop:HOSTNAME=value --prop:DEFAULT_GATEWAY=value --prop:DNS_SERVERS=value --prop:DOMAIN_NAME=value --prop:TIMEZONE=value <OVF_Name.ovf> vi://username:password@hostname_of_VMware_vSphere_Client/Datacenter/host/hostname

    The message Opening VI target is displayed. The deployment status of CA Enterprise Log Manager server is displayed. If the installation is successful, the CA Enterprise Log Manager server is listed under the datastore you selected in the left pane.

    Note: If a property value contains space, enclose the property value in double quotes (""). For example, if the OVF name is CA ELM, enter the value as "CA ELM.ovf". For more information about the OVF Tool, see the OVF Tool User Guide.


ovftool -dm=thick --acceptAllEulas --name="example_server" --deploymentOption=medium --prop:ROOT_PASSWORD="example_password" --prop:LOCAL_REMOTE_EEM=Local --prop:REMOTE_EEM_LOCATION=none --prop:EEM_PASSWORD=calmr12 --prop:FIPS_MODE=YES --prop:AGENT_AUTHENTICATION_KEY="This_is_default_authentication_key" --prop:IP_ADDRESS= --prop:SUBNET_MASK= --prop:HOSTNAME="example_server1" --prop:DEFAULT_GATEWAY= --prop:DNS_SERVERS=, --prop:TIMEZONE=Asia/Kolkata "C:\Program Files\CA ELM\CA Enterprise Log Manager.ovf" "vi://administrator:password@examplevmwarehost/ELMQAvAppDatacenter/host/"