If you do not yet have a CA Enterprise Log Manager environment implemented, you can create an all-virtual log collection environment. This scenario assumes that have a sufficient number of physical servers available, each with a group of at least four processors, to install each of the intended CA Enterprise Log Manager servers.
Install one CA Enterprise Log Manager server to act as a management server. During configuration, do not send event logs to this server or use this server to generate reports. Configuring your environment in this way maintains the event log collection throughput required for enterprise-level production.
Generally, you install two, four-processor CA Enterprise Log Manager servers in place of each of the appliance-class servers you would typically install when using certified hardware. (Appliance-class servers have a minimum of eight processors.)
The process you follow to create a virtual environment using virtual appliance includes the following procedures.
Important! If you want to provision a CA Enterprise Log Manager server using the virtual appliance, the Application Instance Name of the primary CA Enterprise Log Manager server must be CAELM.
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