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Specify a Validation Rule and Default Value for an Oracle Domain

In Oracle, the Domain Editor is used for viewing and managing domains in the physical model. Oracle is the only database that supports multiple check constraints. Use the Constraint tab in the Domain Editor to specify multiple check constraints and default values.

To specify the validation rule and default value for an Oracle domain

  1. Click Domains on the Model menu.

    The Domain Editor opens.

  2. Click the Constraint tab and work with the following options.
    Check Constraints

    Specifies the validation rule to attach to the selected domain. Select the validation rule that you want from the Validation Rule grid. If the Use Inherited Constraints check box is selected this means that this property is inherited from the parent domain. If you do not want this property to be inherited, simply clear the check box and select a validation rule from the Validation Rule grid. The Check Constraints option contains a toolbar that includes the following options:

    property editor SORT icon Sort

    Sorts the list of validation rules by alphabetic, reverse alphabetic, or selected order. You select the method you want using the drop-down menu that opens after you click the Sort button. Visual cues are provided for how the validation rule list is currently sorted:

    property editor SORT icon

    Specifies that the list is sorted in alphabetic order.

    Property editor Reverse Alpha Sort Button

    Specifies that the list is sorted in reverse alphabetic order.

    Oracle Attribute Editor Constraint Tab_Selected Order Sort Button

    Specifies that the list is sorted in selected order. This means that the validation rules that are currently selected go to the top of the list.

    Oracle Attribute Editor Constraint Tab_Validation Rule Editor Button

    Opens the Validation Rule Editor so you can view or modify existing validation rules or create a new one.


    Specifies the default value to attach to the selected domain. Select the default value that you want from the drop-down list. If the Use Inherited Default Value check box is selected this means that this property is inherited from the parent domain. If you do not want this property to be inherited, simply clear the check box and select a default value from the drop-down list. You can also use the drop-down list to open the Default Value Editor to view or modify an existing default value or create a new one.

  3. Click Close.

    The validation rule and default value is specified and the Domain Editor closes.