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Specify Object Instances to Use in the Bulk Editor

Use the Object Instances page in the Bulk Editor Wizard to select the instances for the object types selected in the Object Types page that populate the Bulk Editor during the current editing session. The selected objects are displayed as rows in the Bulk Editor, and their names are consistent with the naming in Model Explorer. Since the Bulk Editor is not dependent on the logical or the physical display of the current diagram, you can choose to see either logical or physical names.

The high level nodes of the selection tree correspond to the object types you selected in the Object Types page. Any filtering options you set in the Object Types page affect the display of the object instances on this page.

To specify object instances to use in the Bulk Editor

  1. Click the Bulk Editor Wizard Button on the Bulk Editor Toolbar button on the Bulk Editor toolbar.

    The Bulk Editor Wizard opens.

  2. Click Object Instances and work with the following options:
    Option Set

    Specifies the option set to use to populate the selections in the Bulk Editor Wizard. An option set contains the definition of the objects and properties selected in a previous session. Use the toolbar icons to load, save, create, or delete an option set.

    Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar--Use Selected Objects in Diagram Button Use Selected Objects

    Specifies to limit the list of object instances shown to only those of the objects that are selected in the current diagram. Otherwise, all object instances are shown. Clicking this button clears all check marks (if any of the check boxes are selected), then click it again to select only those items that are selected in the current diagram.

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Names

    Opens a menu so you can select to show object names as either logical names or physical names. When you select one of the options, the toolbar button changes to provide you a visual indication of your choice:

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Logical Names--SCR Logical Names

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Physical Names

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard_Obj Sel Page_Phys Names Show Owner--SCR Physical Names, show owner

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard_Obj Sel Page_Phys Names Show Owner Using User--SCR Physical Names, show owner using User

    Note: The Logical Names option does not display if you are working in either a logical-only or physical-only model.

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Select All--SCR Select All

    Selects the check boxes for all the items in the list.

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Select None--SCR Select None

    Removes all check box selections so that no items are selected in the list.

    erw_hlp--Bulk Editor Wizard Object Types Toolbar - Toggle Selection--SCR Toggle Selection

    Specifies to select check boxes for any unselected items and remove check box selections for selected items.

  3. Click Edit.

    Object instances are specified for the Bulk Editor and the Bulk Editor Wizard closes.

More information:

Bulk Editor Wizard Option Sets