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Set the Default Null Option for a Non-Identifying Relationship

You can set a default null option for all non-identifying relationships you create.

To set the default null option for a non-identifying relationship

  1. Click Model Properties on the Model menu.

    The Model Properties dialog opens.

  2. Click the Defaults tab.

    The Defaults tab opens.

  3. Specify one of the following null options in the Non-Identifying Relationships field, then click OK.

    Specifies that the foreign key within the child entity will accept nulls. This means that the child entity can exist without the existence of the parent and the relationship is optional.

    Not Null

    Specifies that the foreign key within the child entity will not accept nulls. This means that the child entity is dependent upon the parent entity for its existence and the relationship is mandatory.

    The default null option is set for all non-identifying relationships and the Model Properties dialog closes.

Note: If at any time you need to override the default null setting, you can use the Relationships editor to do this.

More information:

Relationship Null Options

Change the Null Option for a Non-Identifying Relationship