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Set Color Preferences for Template Source

Use the Template Editor Preferences dialog to set color preferences for the template source text in the Template Source pane of the Template Editor.

To set expanded text color preferences

  1. Select Forward Engineer, Forward Engineering Templates from the Actions menu (in either a physical or logical/physical model).

    The Template Editor opens.

  2. Click the Configure Template Editor - Configure icon on the Template Editor toolbar.

    The Template Editor Preferences dialog opens.

  3. Select from the following options in the Colors section and click OK.

    Note: A preview of your color preferences displays in the pane beneath the Item drop-down.


    Specifies the text in the Template Editor dialog to which the color preferences will apply. Select the items that begin with Source from the drop-down list to apply to the items related to the Template Source pane.


    Specifies the text color.


    Specifies the color for the background on which the text displays.

    Your preferences are applied, the Template Editor Preferences dialog closes, and you are returned to the Template Editor.