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Select Filters for Synchronization

Use options in the Type Selection dialog to apply filters to the types of objects you want to synchronize with the source model.

To select filters for synchronization

  1. Click DB Sync in one of the property editors, for example, in the Columns dialog.

    The DB Sync wizard opens on the Right Model pane.

  2. Click Type Selection.

    The Type Selection pane opens. Work with the following options:

    Compare Level

    The Database Level is selected by default.

    Option Set

    A default option set (including all objects) is selected for the database compare level. You can filter out specific objects by clearing the check box next to the object name and saving the selections in a new option set.

    Open, Save, Save As, or Delete an Option Set

    You can create a new option set, which you can save for future use, or open, modify, or delete an existing option set.

    Click Next.

    The Left Object Selection pane opens.

More information:

Option Sets